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General Questions

Is Mortar and Pestle Herbs the same company as Herbal Roots?

Yes. We started in 2017 as Mortar and Pestle Herbs. In 2020 we changed our name to Herbal Roots. We are the same owners.

Where are you located?

Our home base is in Los Angeles, California. All of our supplements are made here.

Are all of your supplements organic?

We are currently in the process of obtaining our CCOF certification on our supplements that contain only the whole herb. Some of our supplements such as our garlic and valerian have been approved for this certification. Some of our herbs are in the process of getting certified. And the herbs that contain an herbal extract are not labeled organic because the extraction process cannot be certified however, even without the certification our whole herbs are organic.

What sets you apart from other herbal supplement companies?

The biggest and most important difference with Herbal Roots supplements and other brands is ours are 100% pure. Meaning we do NOT add fillers, binders, sugars, or other ingredients that don't need to be in a supplement. The herbs we use in our supplements are organic and are manufactured right here in the USA.

Are you compliant with GMP guidelines?

Yes. Our supplements are manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility. 

What are good herbal supplements for anxiety?

There are several herbal supplements that are known to help with anxiety. Valerian, Ashwagandha, and our 8 blend Mushrooms supplement are three you should consider.

Do you have any herbal supplements for weight loss?

This is tough as there is no one thing that will cause weight loss. It is a combination of a healthy diet, exercise and overall physical health. Apple Cider Vinegar and Oil of Oregano are two supplements that have been known to help as a supplement to the actions one is taking for getting more fit and healthy.

I am looking for herbal supplements for energy. Do you know what I should take?

Korean Ginseng, Ashwagandha and Cranberry are herbal supplements known to help promote an increase of energy.

Oil of Oregano

Is oregano oil good for stomach gasses?

It may help with that as it does support healthy intestinal flora, an imbalance of which could cause gas. You would really have to try it out to see if it works for you.

I read that you should cycle off oil of oregano every 3 weeks for one week. Is this true? 

There hasn't been enough research to know for sure the effects of taking oil of oregano for an extended period of time in medicinal amounts. 

It can cause side effects such as an upset stomach or rash. If you experience these you can lower your dose and not take it daily or stop taking it all together. 

Some people take 1-2 capsules daily with no side effects. Our oil of oregano is 150mg per capsule. If you are taking it for parasites it is suggested that you take 2-3 capsules a day for 6 weeks. If you are taking it to boost your immune system during cold and flu season you can take 1-3 a day for a few weeks then reduce the dosage to 1-2 a day or every few days. Just to be safe it is suggested you can take it for several weeks then take a break from it before resuming it again. 

Most important is to listen to your body and if you are concerned about any herbal supplement you should consult a doctor.

What is the percentage of carvacrol in your oil of oregano?

Each softgel typically contains 35.7 mg of carvacrol. One softgel weighs 150mg, so the amount of carvacrol for each softgel will be around 23.8%.

What is the capsule content?

The capsule itself is made of gelatin from vegetable glycerin and bovine. The contents in the gel capsule is oregano oil and olive oil.

What is the ratio of olive oil to the ration of oregano oil?

The ratio is 70% oregano oil and 30% olive oil.

Is the gelatin that is used for the capsules, kosher?

Yes, all of our gel caps are kosher.

Why is there no mention of carvacrol on the label?

There is no mention of carvacrol on the label because it is an integral component of oregano. While carvacrol has been determined in labs to be the active ingredient in oregano oil we focus on the traditional use of the whole plant, because isolating one element of the plant and taking other parts away may lead to overall reduced effectiveness.

By the 10:1 ratio does that mean the ratio of olive oil to oregano oil? - Pure oregano oil would burn right?

The 10:1 ratio means that the oregano is concentrated 10 times the strength of oregano. I haven't bitten open a capsule to test it but I think it probably would burn, which is why we have it in the soft gels. We haven't had any complaints that the oregano oil burns in the stomach once the gel cap dissolves.

Is the oil of oregano gluten, dairy and soy free?


What other stuff is this good for besides the cold?

Oil of Oregano is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic. It promotes healthy intestinal flora which means it helps with getting rid of bad bacteria in your gut and helps with digestion. Some people use it for candida, acne, menstrual aide and allergy support. There are more benefits. This names a few of them.

Does this product have origanum, vulgate, thymus and capitates in its formula?

The oregano that is used to make this formula is Mediterranean Oregano (Origanum vulgare). This formula is not made with Thymus capitatus, which is also known as Mediterranean Wild Thyme.

Black Elderberry

Is there added sugar in your elderberry supplement?

There is no added sugar or sugar substitutes. Only Elderberry. There are also no fillers or binders, is non-GMO and vegan.

Are the elderberries heated at all during processing, and if so, to what degree?

The elderberry is heated and dried to make it into powder form. Both processes reduce the cyanide-inducing glycoside naturally found in elderberries.

What country are the elderberries sourced from?

The elderberries are from Poland.

According to the label and ingredients list, the elderberry fruit powder is organic, but the elderberry extract is not organic. Is this accurate?

This is correct. Where we use an herbal extract we cannot claim it is organic as the process of making an extract involves alcohol and there is currently no organic alcohol available to use in the process of extraction.

Korean Ginseng

Where is the ginseng grown?

Our ginseng is grown in Korea.

Is this white or red ginseng?

This is Korean ginseng so it is not white ginseng typically found in the US and Siberia. It is from the same variety of ginseng that is used to make red ginseng but ours is not steamed so is not technically red. It is sourced from Korea.

What’s the difference between Korean, Chinese, American, and Siberian ginseng?

Korean and Chinese ginseng are the same species of plant (Panax ginseng), just grown in different regions. American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is a different species, but still quite closely related. Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a completely different plant and does not have the same active ingredients as Asian ginseng. It is generally considered inferior in terms of its health-supporting functions.


What is turmeric good for?

Turmeric is a potent spice that is derived from the root of its plant. It contains active components called curcuminoids that provide a wide variety of benefits. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties.

What is curcumin?

Curcumin is the most active compound found in Turmeric that reduces inflammation and provides pain relief.

What is BioPerine®?

BioPerine® is a patented extract obtained from black pepper fruits (Piper nigrum) standardized minimum to 95%Piperine. BioPerine® is an ideal dose and form of black pepper extract to enhance the bioavailability of curcumin.

What is bioavailability?

Bioavailability is the proportion of a nutrient which is absorbed by the body.

Is Herbal Roots® turmeric curcumin vegan?

Yes! Our plant based turmeric complex also has no fillers, binders, soy or gluten and is non-GMO.

Is turmeric safe to take while pregnant?

There is no reliable research regarding the safety of consuming turmeric supplements while pregnant or nursing, although amounts that are typically found in food appear to be safe.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please speak with your doctor if you are considering taking a turmeric supplement or any supplement.

Are there any reasons someone should not take turmeric?

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin that has anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning or anticoagulant properties. Someone with bleeding disorders or those on blood thinners should take caution should they choose to take a turmeric supplement. Turmeric usually does not cause significant side effects; however, some people can experience stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea.


What is ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is considered an adaptogen which means it promotes balance in many different systems in the body.

What are the health benefits of ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha has a myriad of uses including arthritis, inflammation, anxiety, insomnia and other sleeping disorders, respiratory illnesses, nervous system ailments, female reproductive issues, male impotence, infertility in men, just to name some.

Is the extract from the root or the leaves? 

The extract is from the ashwagandha root.

Does ashwagandha have any side effects?

This herb is well-tolerated, has no substantial negative effects and the consistent use of this herbal health supplement is deemed safe.

Some individuals have reported slight sleepiness after using it, although the effects of this symptom tend to decrease after a certain period of time. One of the Ashwagandha side effects is the fact that this herb can be hard on a person with a sensitive stomach. Thus, taking the powdered leaf or root forms of this herb can cause a sense of fullness, gas or stomach ache. People that have weak digestion should avoid Ashwagandha powder and use capsules instead and take them with food.

Ashwagandha is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women or people who have autoimmune disorders. And if you are taking medications you should always consult with your doctor before taking ashwagandha or any herbal/dietary supplements.

Why is BioPerine® in this ashwagandha?

BioPerine® black pepper extract enhances the absorption of ashwagandha.

What is Ayurvedic medicine?

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems which originated from India more than 3,000 years ago and still used today.

Milk Thistle

What is milk thistle?

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a European thistle with a solitary purple flower and glossy marbled leaves, naturalized in North America and used in herbal medicine. Milk thistle gets its name from the milky-white liquid that runs off of the plant’s leaves when they’re crushed.

Can you take milk thistle everyday?

Usually, milk thistle causes few, if any, serious side effects. Studies show that it's safe when taken for up to 41 months.

When should I take milk thistle?

Take milk thistle 30 minutes before meals for optimal effectiveness. Keep in mind that it will take at least a week or two before you notice milk thistle's beneficial effects. For chronic conditions, you will need to take the herb for quite some time.

Does milk thistle cleanse the liver?

Milk Thistle has been found to have a very effective ability to encourage the liver to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins. Milk Thistle also supports the liver by preventing the depletion of glutathione which is an amino acid essential for the detox process.

Does milk thistle have any side effects?

Like with most supplements there are some side effects to be aware of. These include: abdominal bloating/pain, allergic reactions, diarrhea, gas, indigestion, itching, loss of appetite, nausea, rash.

Cranberry with Nettle

What country are the cranberries from?

The cranberries are grown in the US and the organic nettle is grown in China.

Are cranberry pills better than cranberry juice for UTIs?

Cranberry capsules are more effective than juice for UTIs. The amount of concentration in the pills is stronger than that found in juice.

Are there any side effects to taking cranberry pills?

Common side effects of cranberry can include stomach or abdominal upset, diarrhea and if taken in high doses can contribute to kidney stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar

How does an ACV pill compare to the liquid for dosage?

The amount of apple cider vinegar in the pills varies by brand, but typically one capsule contains about 500 mg, which is equivalent to two liquid teaspoons (10 ml). Herbal Roots ACV pills contain 650mg per capsule so is equivalent to just over two teaspoons of liquid.

Why is there cayenne in your ACV formula?

The benefits of cayenne include; stimulates digestion, boosts metabolism, supports increased circulation, promotes detoxification and much more. It made sense to add this to our formula as it compliments the benefits of ACV well.

Does ACV really help with weightloss?

While some studies have been done there is not enough research to prove this claim. The benefits of apple cider vinegar thought to assist with weightloss includes; promoting fullness, supporting metabolism, promoting reduced fat storage, and may suppress one’s appetite. 

What is “Mother” and why is it an important part of ACV?

Mother is strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the liquid product a murky appearance. Apple cider vinegar with the Mother is simply unrefined, unpasteurized and unfiltered. The Mother is believed to be rich in health-boosting natural protein, healthy bacteria and acetic acid.

Does ACV have any side effects?

The common side effects with ACV are most common with the liquid version and if taken in large doses. ACV pills have very little to no side effects. The possible side effects include upset stomach and lower potassium levels.


Couldn’t I just eat raw garlic instead of taking a supplement?

You absolutely can eat raw garlic instead of taking a supplement however consuming several cloves of raw garlic everyday is not something many people are interested in doing, not to mention that raw garlic can be quite "spicy". Our organic whole bulb garlic supplement contains 600 mg of pure garlic in one pill. Taking the supplement will save your tongue and throat from burning as it is encapsulated in a vegan capsule.

Is the garlic odorless?

Our garlic is not odorless. The process to make garlic odorless may also reduce the effectiveness of the garlic. Allicin is the component in garlic that provides its health benefits. Allicin can be reduced in the aging process to make the garlic odorless. 

How often should I take garlic?

Garlic is safe to take every day. The recommended dosage is 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.


Valerian is known to support healthy sleep patterns, stress management, healthy blood pressure, etc.

8 Blend Mushrooms

What are the 8 species of mushrooms in your formula?

Our 8 mushroom blend includes extracts of Turkey Tail, Maitake, Shiitake, Cordyceps, Snow fungus, Lion’s Mane, Reishi, and Chaga.

What are the health benefits of taking a mushrooms supplement?

There are so many health benefits from mushrooms. Just some of the benefits include, immune support, aids in digestion, promotes balanced blood sugar, promotes reduced blood pressure, supports cardiovascular health, may boost energy and brain function, promotes skin health, etc.


* This page is intended for informational purposes. The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.