Do Herbs Really Work?

Herbal Medicine History
Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Factually, herbs are still the main form of medicine for a large portion of the world’s population.
Herbs have long traditions of use that have been passed down generation to generation. The Europeans traditionally use herbs like chamomile, oregano, milk thistle, and lavender. The Native Americans use cranberry, elderberry, echinacea, and golden seal.
There is the entire Oriental system of medicine with herbs like ginger and ginseng and in India they have the Ayurveda, the oldest healthcare system in the world, using herbs like turmeric and ashwagandha.

Many herbs have had modern studies done that demonstrate their effectiveness.
So yes, herbs do work.
Scientists have even isolated active constituents in some herbs and have used them to create modern medicines.
Learn more about active constituents in this article: "Active Ingredients vs Whole Herbs"
The problem with trying the separate out one element of an herb is that the intricate way plants work is not totally understood by anyone and there are numerous chemical interactions that take place within the plant itself and when it is consumed. This is the reason Herbal Roots uses whole herbs - we don’t want our products to lose their effectiveness by taking out a vital element of the plant.
Herbs are normally used in a different way than modern medicines.
Modern medicines tend to be very powerful and often times can overwhelm systems of the body in trying to get their job done. A lot of medical treatment now is geared towards treating symptoms rather than correcting what is causing the problem.
Most herbs work with the systems of the body to build up the body's resistance and to bring balance to help make the person’s body capable of repairing itself.
Due to the differences in how they work, herbs may take longer than we’ve grown to expect from modern medicine to produce the results we are looking for. Some will work immediately while others may take two weeks or sometimes a month to produce results. Another important factor when taking herbs is that they are most effective when taken consistently.
Potential Benefits of Herbs
There are a wide range of benefits you can find in herbs and here are some:
- Immune System enhancement, i.e. black elderberry
- Heart Health
- Digestive aid
- Brain Health
Their benefits will depend on which herb we are talking about. Of course, this is a very short list of potential benefits they can have in your body.
In addition, herb supplements can be more affordable.
Advice when taking herbs
When taking herbs it is important that you listen to your body.
There are generally several different herbs that can be used to address the same condition. There may be people you know that have had amazing experiences with an herb. Because of this you may have given it a try and find the same herb is not working for you or giving you the result you expected. This doesn’t mean the herb doesn’t work. It just means it isn’t working for your body right now and it is time to try another herb.
Everyone’s body is different, listen to yours.
There are definitely times when one should see a doctor. Please don’t construe anything in this article to deter you from seeking medical attention when needed. But for your at-home remedies give herbs a try, they can produce some amazing results!
If you have any questions, doubts or comments about it just send us a message and we would love to answer any queries.
You can also download our latest e-book: " A Quick Guide to Natural Healing".
*This article is intended for informational purposes. The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.